Thursday, June 18, 2009


Andres Flores
Ole Ole Ole
Philipe Guacamole
Martinez Gonzalez

You were such a great fish
and an even better friend.
I will miss you..
but I won't miss cleaning your tank on a weekly basis.
I enjoyed the five months we shared together
and I will never forget you.

Alright, so I know that was a bit sarcastic,
but the death of my fish was honestly kinda hard for me.
I was pretty much obsessed with that thing! haha.

This tragic event really got me thinkin' about my dad.
Weird, I know.. but let me explain.

When I realized my fish had died,
the first thing I did was told my dad.
It was funny to me that my dad could actually tell how upset I was.
"Awww Suzi, how did he die?? What happened??"
I told him that there was no possible way I could flush my own fish so being the hero he is, he offered to do it for me.

And right there, it hit me:
I am 19 years old and it is amazing to me how much I still depend on my dad.
With Father's Day quickly approaching,
this is my shout out to my Dad.
He is my best friend next to my mom and I am so incredibly lucky to have such awesome parents.

So Dad, thank you for flushing my fish, for being my internet "surfing" partner on our laptops while watching tv, for fixing my flat tire that one time I ran over a curb (oops), for "tipping" me when I run errands for you, for always cooking my dinner separately in an attempt to keep mine as plain and spice-free as possible, for constantly making me laugh with your extrememly lame jokes, for letting mom and I take over the house with our scrapbook stuff, and for loving me no matter what. Like when I can't flush my own dead fish at the age of 19, or when I run over curbs, or because of the fact that I'm so stinkin' picky with my food, or for burying your stuff underneath cardstock and ribbon.

I love you Daddy-O.
Happy Father's Day


KP said...

hey jenaye...that was the cutest post ever! i have a fish named bob. and the other night i thought he was dead...he was stiff! i almost started crying :( BUT out of know where he started swiming again!! so don't feel bad about getting so upset. i feel ya girl :) hehe.

Unknown said...

yes you do have the best parents evah, you are very lucky!
And sorry about your fish, darn things, why do they have to die, and sometimes so quickly. Ya know Jenaye, I could not flush the fish at 45, so don't feel bad. I would've of had to bury it along with all the other game animals, dogs, cats in that certain place in our yard.

take care of you!