Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh my...

I got to thinkin' today that I have not blogged in FOR-EEVVERRR.
Then I also got to thinkin' that I somehow still make time for:

- late night cinnamon roll baking sessions (Pilsbury, I love you)
- raquetball games at the rec center at least three times a week
- an {almost} daily nap that amazingly always goes longer than anticipated
- checkin' out pictures and leaving comments on Facebook

Moral of the story...

I seriously need to get with it and keep up with this blog of mine!

School has been going great...
if you don't count the overwhelming amount of homework, my hectic schedule, and unrelenting responsibilities.
It's supposed to be that way, right?

I am not only getting homesick, but worksick as well.
[I miss you Scrapbooks, Etc.]
I promise you're still one of my best friends and I will be back as soon as I can!

Just as a reminder, I do have a blog specifically for my stinkin' cute hair accessories which you can find here.

I know this is such a short post, but I have homework to do and freshly baked cinnamon rolls to eat.

Peace Girls!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My life in Tucson

has been:

But overall, I still love it here.
I will be posting pictures of the apartment as soon as everything is set up and decorated the way I want it! With all of the homework I have been getting so far, the pictures might take a while!

Also, I finally have my new blog set up for my hair accessories. You can order most of the accessories through the blog shop and the others are available through e-mail ordering. You will see what I mean when you check it out here.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful 3-day weekend!

Peace Girls!