Thursday, October 9, 2008


This one's for you.

After growing up with you, it seems impossible to me that you are gone.
I remember the first day we brought you home..
Preston and I gave you a grand tour of the house while we pulled you around, full of excitment for our new white puppy.
At the time, Preston was
with the Phoenix Suns,
so it just didn't seem right if we didn't name you
after the amazing 'Charles Barkley'.

I am sorry for the times that I dressed you up,
even though I knew you hated it.
Or when I would run out the front door,
forgettng to tell you goodbye.
Or those times when I wouldn't give you any of my food,
and you sat there with those big green eyes, begging.
Or for dragging you into the bathtub,
that you absolutely

I don't know what we are going to do without you.
Now that you're gone,
I've learned that
[a] Life is too short.
[b] Life is taken too seriously; there's always time for fun.
[c] The love for a dog can match that of the love for any human.

Thank you, Barkley, for being Dad's, Mom's, Preston's and my best friend.
We love you,
and we will miss you Barkster.


Laura Blue said...

so sorry to hear about barkley. i hope you're doing ok. was preston in like 7th grade when you got him? i have a photo of preston in a suns outfit from 7th grade.

Jenn said...

I am so sorry to hear about barkley! I hate losing a pet and it's so hard. It makes me remember to keep cherishing the time I have left with Max (my dog). Hugggs...

Jackie said...

So sorry for you guys!! I know a pet becomes another member of the family. Keep in your heart WHERE he is right now!! A place we all long to go some day!!

Kristi said...

Hi, Jenaye! I'm sure you don't know me, but I'm a faithful Scrapbooks Etc. shopper, and found you from your mom's blog.

I'm so sorry to hear of your family's loss. :( We recently lost our 17 year old cocker spaniel, so I know what it's like.

Rest assured he's in a better place, and faithful friends NEVER leave your heart.

Take care!

Jamie said...

That post made me cry! So sorry he is gone!
Hope you are doing good!
Love and miss ya lots!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm Sorry about your Dog. What happened to him?

We had to put our merlyn to sleep in May and it was so sad, I cried all teh way home and then some. He was 10 and we had him for 9 years. It broke my heart as he was our outside dog. We have 5 more though.
So sorry for you and your family.
I surely miss seeing you!

Unknown said...

sorry to hear about your dog... so sad. we just had to put mine down & it is {really} hard. bye barkley!