Friday, December 26, 2008

Jenaye is a Slacker..

Ok, so believe it or not..
I am totally aware that I have not updated my blog since mid-November-ish.
I am horrible at keeping up with it!

I'll fill you in on what has been goin' on in my little life of mine.
Here it goes!

I am undoubtedly t-h-r-i-l-l-e-d to be done with finals!
I ended up gettin' 2 A's and 2 B's in my classes!
{Since I thought I was gonna get a few C's, needless to say, I was excited!}
I am kinda dreading next semester.
After being home for a few weeks now,
I don't exactly wanna leave again.
I do have a class with my brother that I'm completely looking forward to!

I am working at the best store in the entire world again:
Scrapbooks, Etc.
{P.S. You own my heart}
It definitely feels great to be back..
I'm just kinda strugglin' with learning all the new product!

And what else is new?
I've got a new cute man in my life
I don't have any pictures of us together yet, but if you know anything about my mother, they will most likely be appearing very soon in the scrapbook store!
The only bad thing is:
He goes to ASU

My Christmas was wonderful.
The parents got me a new Ipod and some much needed cash!
My Granny girl gave me some money as well after an amazing lunch she spent all day preparing!
And the new boy got me an ASU keychain that I'm not exactly plannin' on using!

That's pretty much all that is new.
I will try my very hardest to keep updating this baby!
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Peace girls!


m = michelle said...

great to "hear" from you. I'll have to hit the store (haven't been there in forver for reasons I've not yet figured out) and get the scoop about the new boy from your mamacita! maybe I should run down there before you leave ;)

congrats on the grades. don't worry about going back. after mere minutes of being back everything will feel normal again and you'll wonder what you were nervous about.

Jackie said...

you are soooo NOT a slacker!! you are a young lady learning the ropes of a new adventure in life! Trust us, we would rather you devote your self to school, the Lord and maybe a little to the new guy (Go Sun Devils - yes I am an alumni - so is the hubbie). Enjoy your break and I hope to see you soon.

sandalloons40 said...

Soooooooooo nice to see you! I am so glad you get to work there on your breaks.
I can't wait to see the new Beau!
Wow, that is nice.
Ok, well you take care and you aren't a slacker, your busy! :)

Kaelene said...

You don't need to qualify yourself as a slacker! You've been busy . . . and with great results (your grades!) to show for it!
Congrats on the new beau . . . and I hope to see you in SBE before you leave!