I am very disappointed that you are making me take difficult classes.
I am very frustrated because of all the clothing vendors that you allow to distract me on my way to class every single day.
(Accompanied by the freakin cute shoes and totally hot sunglasses)
I am very upset that you forced me to leave my wonderful job at Scrapbooks, Etc. because of your jealous nature of wanting me all to yourself.
I am very apprehensive because I have no idea how to get around this boring little town that you call "home".
I am very excited that you have forced me to be more social and make new friends.
I am very thankful that my schedule is pretty easy, for the most part.
I am very lucky and appreciative that you are giving me a bright future and all the tools I need to succeed.
when I finish all this dang homework, I can tell everyone how my first week with you went.