Friday, January 30, 2009

Tales from Tucson

As January comes to an end
(can you believe it?)
I am quickly realizing that I
a: need to find a roommate for next year
b: need to find an apartment for next year
c: need to find a job, like ASAP

I don't think I have been this broke since I was in 7th grade.
Let me tell ya, it's not a good feelin'.

So last weekend I went home to Mesa Town and hung out with the boy Seth.
I had so much fun as always and we even built a step stool for my bed.
Now I don't have to run from across the room and jump onto my 8-foot high bed.
And when I say "built" I literally mean "built".
We made a quick trip to Home Depot and picked up the wood, the legs, the paint, the brushes, and the primer for it.
It was a lot of fun to make something together.
It might already be obvious...
but he kinda did all the work.
I did enjoy eating white chocolate-covered pretzels while watching him put it together though.

Preston has his interview in Colorado next Friday for medical school.
It seems impossible to me how fast we both have grown up!
I still remember my Mom dropping us off at elementary school together!
Where does the time go?!

My classes are going great so far.
I'm trying to stay really far ahead in all my classwork so my weekends will stay open.
It's actually been working out better than I had planned so far!
I just hope I keep this motivation I've got goin' right now!

Nothin' else is really new in my life.
My fish is doing great.
Lauren and I still haven't given the other fish to our friend yet.
I'm gonna miss that little guy when he's gone.

Seth is comin' down tonight after he gets off work.
I absolutely cannot wait!
I have seen him every weekend since school started and
I couldn't be happier!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Go Cardinals!!

Peace Girls!


Jackie said...

Yeah, I am so GLAD things are going good! Go to Walgreen's they put me through high school and college. YOU could also go the scrap store their I can't remember what it is called, but Ann (see her blog via mine) likes it.

Mostly, Love you are blogging and especially love the GO CARDINALS!!

Unknown said...

what a fun day! projects are fun & you feel like you accomplished a ton! {even if you didn't do much of the work (: }

Unknown said...

Wow, that is neat that you get to see your beau that we need a photo of. PLEASE! Inquiring minds want to know. LOL
Ok, well for jobs, lets see I think there is a scrapbook store there or maybe a pet store, wouldn't that be fun?
Have a happy, safe week!